
Gaius Pupus version 1.3.3 released

Gaius Pupus was released in version 1.3.3. Changes compared to the previous release are:

  • Dragging and dropping requirements in the list is now better implemented.
  • Text windows in the requirements dialog can be collapsed for use on a small screen.
  • Text and background colors can now be chosen in the requirements dialog.

Gaius Pupus can be downloaded in the downloads section.


Pallas 3.1.2 was reported

Pallas 3.1.2 is ready!

Die Änderungen in dieser Version gegenüber der vorherigen Version sind:

  • Automatic generation of article numbers possible.
  • Erweiterte Tablencalculationsoptionen (CSV-Datei).
  • Project regulations apply that Beschriftungen im Projectfeld an, wenn that Zeile ausgewählt.
  • The DB overview has now been changed and the DB will be significantly changed.
  • DB repairs with new tools and repairs.
  • Durchgeführte Fehlerbehebungen:
    • Projektfeldanpassung fuhrte zu einem SQLite-Fehler in einem Trigger ==> solved.
    • The legs under the Windows with the upper rights are fully responsible, so that a Speicherdatenbank is not damaged ==> solved.

You can find the download page in the previous versions of the latest downloads.


Pallas 3.1.2 launched

Pallas 3.1.2 is ready for use!

The changes in this version compared to the previous version are:

  • Auto generation of item numbers made possible.
  • Expanded spreadsheet options (CSV file).
  • Project rules adjust the labels in the project field when the line is selected.
  • DB overview is only adjusted if the DB has actually been changed.
  • Repair of the DB extended with new checks and repairs.
  • Bug fixes performed:
    • Project field adjustment led to a SQLite error in a trigger ==> solved.
    • Quitting under Windows with top right cross button led to not saving a memory database ==> solved.

As with previous releases, check the download page for the latest downloads.


Pallas 3.1.1 is still strong.

Pallas 3.1.1 is ready!

Die Änderungen in dieser Version gegenüber der vorherigen Version sind:

  • These Layout Pallets were jetzt pro Sammlung gegeichert.
  • The last loved one will be remembered for the collection.
  • Those spoiled such machines are spoiled for collection.
  • Durchgeführte Fehlerbehebungen:
    • The loss is a blessing, my dear niece, more joy and peace than ever ==> lost.
    • The Aktualisieren der Sammlung und der Projekteigenschaften fuhrte zu Fehlermeldungen ==> resolved.
    • Layout of the tennis management was not correct ==> improved.
  • Geschwindigkeitsverbesserungen durchgeführt, damit Pallas faster startet.

You can find the download page in the previous versions of the latest downloads.


Pallas 3.1.1 is ready

Pallas 3.1.1 is ready for use!

The changes in this version compared to the previous version are:

  • The layout columns are now saved per collection.
  • The last supplier is now stored per collection.
  • The search engine used is now saved per collection.
  • Bug fixes performed:
    • Deleting of a collection did not go well any more and led to a crash ==> solved.
    • Updating of collection and project properties led to error messages ==> solved.
    • Layout of Tennis management was not correct ==> improved.
  • Speed ​​improvements performed so Pallas starts up faster.

As with previous releases, check the download page for the latest downloads.


Pallas 3.1.0 launched

Pallas 3.1.0 is ready for download today!

The changes are:

  • A choice between simple search and extensive search has been made. This makes it possible to show the largest possible field of results and to limit the search action to a single field, which can be used to face all fields.

  • A few smaller bug fixes were executed.

Pallas RC4 launched

The last of the Release candidates is ready for download today.

Pallas RC4 contains bug fixes and a greatly improved GUI layout using many icons.

The downloads are here (FTP) or

  • Here (HTTP, Apple Mac OS
  • Here (HTTP, Microsoft Windows 64 bit)

To find.


Pallas inventory management software is ready for download

As of today, the inventory software management package Pallas is read for download!

Pallas facilitates the management of large quantities of elements. I wrote Pallas to manage my inventory of electrical and electronic components, and I have used it if for a number of years in my company. After adding a few improvements and broadening its scope beyond electronic components, it is now ready to be used for a substantial range of inventory management chores.

The lack of finding a suitable software package to do what I wanted to do – control my company's inventory of components in a local database that was reliable yet simple prompted me to write the application myself – an investment that pays off over time but I am very satisfied with it. I was unable to find anything fulfilled these requirements, some were too amateurish and small, other were too complex and too expensive. I think Pallas fits nicely in between these two extremes, it is small enough to run on any modern PC yet  it can store millions of records.

Please visit the page about Pallas for more information.