
Pallas version 3.8.2 released.

Pallas was released today in a new version. The following items are changes from the previous release 3.8.1:

  • In addition to the usual row selection (for parts in a collection), Pallas now also has the option to select columns in the grid. This capability makes it easy to replace an entire series of components on a property (for example, the packaging or the URL). This is also possible with images. The selection option starts as standard every time the program starts, but can be quickly changed via a button or a menu choice.
  • The Pallas HTTP updater has been improved and now works faster and more securely. The application previously froze when an internet connection was not possible. This problem has been resolved in version 3.8.2.
  • The Pallas HTTP server has been improved. The handling of socket opening and closing has been improved, which means that the HTTP server has less difficulty displaying large collections in the browser.
  • All translations have been updated.

Pallas can be downloaded from the download section.